Theory of shells
Elimination of a paradox in the problem
of bending deflection of a round plate
The exact analytical solution is given (1982) for the
problem of final displacements of a round plate [1, 2]. The solution
explains a well-known paradox which was described in
handbooks and assumed that the deflection of a membrane, i.e. a plate
with zero beam stiffness, was less than the deflection
calculated with non-zero beam stiffness taken into account. (The
problem considers a round plate with its edges fixed and loaded
by transversal pressure, whose magnitude makes the application of the
linear theory incorrect. The latter one overestimates the deflection
approximately 25 times). Later the idea of works [1, 2] was used for
calculation of an electrodynamic gate [3].
- Zhilin P.A. Axisymmetric bending of a flexible circular plate under large
displacements // Vichislitelnie metodi v mekhanike i upravlenii (Numerical methods in
mechanics and control theory). Trudi LPI (Proceedings of Leningrad Polytechical Institute.)
N 388. 1982. P. 97-106. (In Russian.)
- Zhilin P.A. Axisymmetrical bending of
a circular plate under large displacements // Izvestiya AN SSSR, Mekhanika tverdogo tela
(Transactions of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Mechanics of Solids). 1984. N 3. P. 138-144.
(In Russian.)
- Venatovsky I.V., Zhilin P.A., Komyagin D.Yu. Inventor's certificate N 1490663 with priority
from 02.11.1987. (In Russian.)