The theory of rods
The dynamic theory of thin spatially curvilinear rods and naturally twisted
rods is developed (1987 - 2005). The proposed theory includes all known
variants of theories of rods, but it has wider domain of application.
A significant part of the work is devoted to the analysis of a series of
classical problems, including those whose solutions demonstrate paradoxes.
The results of the theory of rods and its applications are presented
in the most complete way in work [1 - 3].
- Zhilin P.A.Applied mechanics. Theory of thin elastic rods.
Tutorial book. St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University. 2007. 101 p. (In Russian.)
- Zhilin P.A. Advanced problems in mechanics. Selection of articles. V. 1. St. Petersburg. Edition of IPME RAS. 2006. 306 p. (In Russian.)
- Zhilin P.A. Advanced problems in mechanics. Selection of articles. V. 2. St. Petersburg. Edition of IPME RAS. 2006. 271 p.