New models in the frame of the dynamics of rigid
We know the role which is played by a usual oscillator in the
Newtonian mechanics. In the Eulerian mechanics, the analogous role is played
by a rigid body on an elastic foundation. This system can be named a rigid
body oscillator. The last one is necessary when constructing the dynamics of
multipolar media, but in its general case it is not investigated neither even
described in the literature. Of course, its particular cases were considered,
for instance, in the analysis of the nuclear magnetic resonance, and also in
many applied works, but for infinitesimal angles of rotation.
A new statement of the problem of the dynamics of a rigid body on a nonlinear
elastic foundation [1, 3, 6] is proposed (1997). The general definition of the
potential torque is introduced. Some examples of problem solutions are given.
For the first time (1997) the mathematical statement for the problem
of a two-rotor gyrostate on an elastic foundation is given [2, 4, 5].
The elastic foundation is determined by setting of the strain energy as a
scalar function of the rotation vector. Finally, the problem is reduced to the
integration of a system of nonlinear differential equations having a simple
structure but a complex nonlinearity. The difference of these equations from
those traditionally used in the dynamics of rigid bodies is that when writing
them down it is not necessary to introduce any artificial parameters of the
type of Eulerian angles or Cayley-Hamilton parameters. The solutions of
concrete problems are considered. A new method of integration of basic
equations is described in application to a particular case. The solutions is
obtained in quadratures for the isotropic nonlinear elastic foundation.
The model of a rigid body is generalised (2003) for the case of a
body consisting not of the mass points, but of the point-bodies of general
kind [7]. There was considered a model of a quasi-rigid body, consisting of
the rotating particles, with distances between them remaining constant in the
process of motion.
- Zhilin P.A. Dynamics and stability of equilibrium positions of a
rigid body on an elastic foundation // /Proc. of XXIV Summer School - Seminar Nonlinear Oscillations in Mechanical Systems
St. Petersburg. 1997. P. 90-122. (In Russian).
- Zhilin P.A., Sorokin S.A. Multi-rotor gyrostat on a nonlinear
elastic foundation // IPME RAS. Preprint N~140. 1997. 83 p. (In Russian).
- Zhilin P.A. A General Model of Rigid Body Oscillator // Nonlinear Oscillations in Mechanical Systems: Proc. of the XXV-XXIV Summer Schools. Vol. 1. St.-Petersburg. 1998. P. 288-314.
- Zhilin P.A., Sorokin S.A. The Motion of Gyrostat on Nonlinear Elastic Foundation // ZAMM. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 78, (1998), S2. S. 837-838.
- Zhilin P.A. Dynamics of the two rotors gyrostat on a nonlinear elastic foundation // ZAMM. Z. angew. Math. Mech. 79, (1999), S2. S. 399-400.
- Zhilin P.A. Rigid body oscillator: a general model and some results // Acta Mechanica. Vol. 142. P. 169-193. (2000).
- Zhilin P.A. Theoretical mechanics. Fundamental laws of
mechanics. Tutorial book. St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University.
2003. 340 p. (In Russian).